Imagine a world where the lame can be given mobility again, where the word “cancer” is no longer a plague, where cells in the body can be regenerated. This world sounds like science fiction, but it is not. These are just a few of the fascinating ideas that scientists believe will come from stem cell research. Stem cell research is the way of the future. It can help many people and provide cures for diseases that were previously not possible.
Who will benefit from this research? There is not a single person out there who can say that he or she has never come into contact with a sick person. Everybody can benefit from stem cell research. It can help the paralyzed victim become mobile again. It can help the cancer patient recover. It can help the patients with degenerative diseases like Alzheimer and Parkinson’s to help regenerate the brain cells. The quality of life for people and patients, who before would have been poor, will be better, if not great. It can help the arthritis patient by giving the joints a second chance. The healing and regenerative qualities of the stem cells can be of a benefit to all. All have known suffering. All have known sickness and pain. The stem cells can help. They can provide a level of healing previously unknown to society.
Opponents say that even if they can really do all those things the price is too high. They feel that taking a life in order to help someone else is immoral. The high moral ground upon which they stand is just sand. The reality is that those fetuses were going to die anyway. Everyday there are hundreds of women all over the country and the world that are trying to get pregnant. Many couples cannot get pregnant the traditional way, and so they look to science. They might give an egg and sperm to be fertilized outside the body. Often, they will give multiples of their respective reproductive contributions. The scientist will then fertilize more than one and see which one takes. That one is then injected to the womb, and the couple has their baby. But what of the other fertilized eggs that did not take? They are going to be thrown away; they are not needed any more. But those few day old fetuses have stem cells that can be used. Those that were going to perish anyway now can have life through helping others live. There is nothing more beautiful than that.
Scientists tell us that stem cells are the way of the future, but what other benefits are there to this research. Stem cells will be able to help in the recovery and cure of many diseases that today have none. The stem cells will also be able to improve the current methods of healing. This is done with the regenerative quality of the stem cells. They have the ability to become any cell that the body needs. The Alzheimer patient suffers from a degeneration of the brain and it’s functioning. The theory goes that if that patient’s brain were injected with some stem cells, they would begin to grow into new brain cells. They would help the patient recover many of the lost brain functioning. This can also help the Parkinson’s patient. There are other diseases that in theory stem cell research can help that are already treated today. The stem cells can help improve what is currently being done today. These are things like kidney failure, low bone density, and possibly even back and spinal cord problems.
Another benefit of stem cell research is the ability to reverse paralyzation. It has been proven to work in mice. Mice were paralyzed from the waist down, and then were injected with human stem cells. The overwhelming majority of the mice regained the ability to move. The implications for this are amazing! Many people think that Christopher Reeves’ condition could have been helped by the use of stem cells. It is possible to help the lame walk again within the current state of healthcare. But it is not possible to guarantee that the remedy will work. It is also not possible to reverse the effects of paralyzation, until now. Imagine the look on the child’s family when they see her walk again. Imagine the smile of the soldier, who was paralyzed in combat, when he walks out of the hospital. These images were not possible years ago, but they re becoming more and more the reality.
God gave humanity the ability to think, and free will. This is one of the very reasons that the stem cells should be used, the information is already out there. Scientists are only now discovering a process that has been in place since the beginning of time. Scientists understand the importance of life. They also know that with the power of thinking and understanding the world around us, comes the responsibility to use that knowledge for the benefit of all humanity. The scientists, and doctors, are there to help. They understand the ramifications of their actions. The meaning of life is to help others. The gift of thought and independent thinking is of no value if it is not used. What good is knowledge if it is never used? In addition humanity is here to help each other. This is true in all cultures of the world. We are here to help and love each other. Imagine seeing someone in need of help on the side of the road. That person is there to help us as well. That person that we help is also giving us the ability to be helpful. It is the same with the healing properties of stem cells. Here is someone who is in need and here is way to help him or her. There is no conflict here.
In conclusion, there are many reasons why the stem cell research should be allowed to develop. Those opposed have seen their side acknowledged, but the benefits far out weigh any cost. If the meaning of life is to use the knowledge and power that one gains while going through life to help others, then there is no conflict here. Remember that everyone knows someone with a sickness, or pain, or that suffers. The goal of stem cell research is to help, and possibly even cure many diseases that affect everyone now.
Stem cells are already treating over 100 diseases stem cells, not embryonic -