The residual image of my digital self

Thursday, April 29, 2010

What would happen if our politicians believed, like Aristotle that, that politics is the embodiment of the greatest good?

I think that one of factors that is blocking this is the political party system. Maybe what is needed is to abolish all political parties, and let people run on their own platform. The adherence to the dogmatic platforms of each party is a roadblock to the ideal of politics. If there were no Republican or Democratic dogma, that would pave the way for the Independent. I think the partisan bickering and the desire to show up the other party is crippling the institution that they are elected to. I know that America is too large to be like Athens and to have each citizen a part of the legislation. I also know that we do have access to effect legislation it is just that half of the population actually vote and it is less in the years between the presidential elections. I think that a way to keep that spirit is to have no parties. Each person who wants to be elected must formulate their own platform, and then sell that to the voting public. Also the current system makes it very difficult for a registered Independent to get on a ballot for any office. I think that if candidates had to come up with their own platform it would encourage reason and critical thinking skills and weed out those lack those skills. This would allow for better qualified candidates and then the debate happens between the elected as individuals who represent an area, and not between dogmas. So let's push for a partyless democracy, and at the same time push our elected officials to be exemplars. Maybe once the congress is full of Independents the congress will work together better and thereby accomplish more. That would require most Americans to reshape part of their identity. So many jump to call themselves Republican or Democrat. How would the general public respond to a partyless election? Also so many vote straight party, so the public would then have to become more aware of who is running and what each one stands for. That could do nothing but improve the system. The percentage of voters would most likely go down, because the apathetic voters who might vote straight party would now just not vote. Making those who do vote have a larger say in how things are done. This would certainly be a very interesting social study.

Sympose on!!

The initial enthusiasm that was posted was only tempered by the lack of habituation for blogging and procrastination. I kept thinking about great topics to blog about, and I still have that list. So the blogging begins again, habitually this time.

Habituation starts at an early age, so the first models are parents. This can provide a good foundation, or it can promote habits that do more harm to the self than good. Anything from drugs and addiction to the inability to take responsibility to the development of neural pathways that cause the mind to act either prior to or in opposition to reason. The last one is due to some faulty brain chemistry which are reinforced by the day to day interactions growing up. Does this put all the pressure on the parents? Yes and no. Yes in the fact that they are the first models of behavior and thinking that we are exposed to. They are also the ones that we interact with most often during the years the mind is developing. It is for this reason that the most pressure is placed upon the parents. (Clarification: Parent can be any one who is responsible for the developing child. This can be the biological parent, grandparent, or other, it can be step parents, foster parents, adopted parents.) Now the no, we want to believe that we all can change. No matter where we are or what our situation is it can change. This is a long process for anyone who is starting from years of bad habits. Like The Matrix in which Morpheus tells Neo that he is sorry for freeing him and showing him the truth, because at Neo's age the mind has a hard time letting go. We have to rehabituate our whole being and the path that we are on. And like Neo, we can change. The process of undoing old habits and set neural pathways, some of which can activate before we are fully conscious of them, is long and tedious and possibly painful. This is the foundation for all of 12 step programs. To learn the truth or the right way and then to reject it, like Cypher, will lead to death, either of the mind or body or both. The habituation of the good is now the process of finding the mean that works for one's self. This process has within it trial and error. So then not only is the unlearning the old habits painful, but also the times that one fails in trying to learn the right and good habits. The great thing is that change is possible, there is hope. That change is apart of the nature of reality. We just need to tap into that if we ever need help in rehabituating ourselves.

Sympose on!!!